
Thankfully the procedures detailed below are not currently operational.

Standard Operating Procedure: COVID-19

COVID-19 is a new and infections disease that can affect your lungs, airways and in extreme circumstances multiple organs. It is caused by a virus called Coronavirus and the symptoms can be mild, moderate, severe or fatal.

To reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and thus any potential harm to patients, the following procedures will be adhered to.

Screening for infection

All patients will be screened for COVID-19 prior to the treatment day and on the treatment day. Their temperature will be taken prior to entering the clinic.

Rebecca Hunter will take her temperature prior to beginning work each day.

Any patients with a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius and/or positive COVID-19 screen will not be treated with a ‘face-to-face’ appointment.

Hand hygiene

Rebecca Hunter will not wear a watch. She will ensure her nails are clean and short. All cuts and abrasions will be covered with a waterproof dressing . Proper hand washing techniques and the use of alcohol rub will be performed before putting on and taking off PPE (personal protective equipment) and after disposing it.

See - hand hygiene

All patients are required to use good hand washing techniques if using the toilet.

  • Ensure the hands are free of dirt and organic material

  • Apply hand rub in a cupped hand and cover all surfaces

  • Rub hands palm to palm

  • Rub back of each hand with palm of other hand, with fingers interlaced

  • Rub hands with fingers interlaced

  • Rub with back if fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked

  • Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using a rotational movement

  • Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in a circular motion

  • Rub each wrist with opposite hand

  • Once dry, your hands are safe (20 - 30 seconds)

Respiratory and cough hygiene

Tissues will be readily available in the clinic room. A catch it, bin it, kill it policy will be adopted.

See - Respiratory and cough hygiene

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

PPE will be readily available for Rebecca Hunter to use and a small charge will be made if patients require a face mask.

Rebecca will wear a new fluid resistant mask, gloves and apron for every patient treated. They will be disposed of once removed. She will wear a visor if working with a patient who is not able to wear their own face covering due to medical reasons, e.g. shortness of breath or claustrophobia or those with a chronic cough or allergies that have an increased chance of sneezing/coughing. Rebecca may also wear a visor when a treatment requires her to be close to the patient’s head. Each patient contact scenario will be individually risk assessed.

Patients will be encouraged to bring their own face covering.

Rebecca’s gloves will be removed before leaving the treatment space to prevent spread onto door handles. All PPE will be disposed of in the clinic room bin. All PPE will be put on and taken off in the recommended order.

https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/web-resources-container/covid-19-the-correct-order-for-donning-doffing-and-disposal-of-personal-protective-equipment-ppe-for-healthcare-workers-hcws-in-a-primary -care-setting/

Safe management of equipment

Patients will be asked to avoid touching equipment whenever possible. All equipment will be disinfected after use. Only essential equipment will be kept in the clinic room.

Environment cleaning

Surfaces touched by patients and frequently touched by Rebecca Hunter will be cleaned after each treatment session.

Safe management of body fluids

Toilet lids will be closed before and after flushing.

Safe management of Rebecca’s uniform

Rebecca will remove her uniform and place it in a laundry bag before entering or leaving any rooms other than the clinic room and toilet.

Safe waste disposal

All PPE will be double bagged. All bags will be tied and dated. Bags will be kept for at least 72 hours before disposing of in the the clinic’s non-recycling waste bin.

Occupational safety and exposure

Pens used by Rebecca and the patient will be disinfected after every use.

Rebecca’s computer keyboard, mouse and mobile phone will be disinfected after every treatment.

Disinfecting check list

Furniture - couch, chair, plastic box for coat/handbag, equipment trolley, waste bin, filing cabinet

Masssage, ultrasound gel, hand sanitiser bottles


Small equipment - thermometer, goniometer, reflex hammer, massage tool, tape measure, mobile phone

Stationary - pens used by Rebecca and patient, cheque stamp

Computer keyboard and mouse

Door handles on front door, clinic door and toilet door

Door peg on toilet door if used

Plastic tray for paper towels in toilet

Toilet and sink

‘Hands-on’ Appointment procedures

  • Patients will receive a ‘triage-call’ from Rebecca on the day of their appointment. She will ask them if they are available for the call. A ‘hands-on’ appointment will only be offered after the call has been made.

  • The ‘triage-call’ will determine if it is safe for the patient to attend the clinic. The patient will be asked a series of questions to screen for COVID-19 symptoms. Questions related to their condition will also be asked. Rebecca will only recommend a ‘hands-on’ appointment if a phone consultation is insufficient.

  • On arrival at the gate, the patient will phone Rebecca on her mobile 07798633339 and wait for a reply. Rebecca will open the electric gate remotely. Patients should not touch the gate or the electric keypad next to it. Rebecca will direct the patient to the front door. She will then ask the patient some questions regarding COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Patients must wear a face mask/nose and mouth covering. If they do not bring their own a face mask will be given to them at the front door.

  • Rebecca will check the patient’s temperature using a non-contact forehead scanner at the front door. If their temperature is raised they will be asked to leave the premises. A future appointment will be arranged on the phone.

  • Social distancing (2m) will be observed where possible as the patient is directed to the clinic room. The patient will remove any outer clothing/handbag and place in a plastic box.

  • The patient will be asked to sign a consent form.

  • ‘Hands-on’ treatment time will be a maximum of 15 minutes. This is in accordance with current government guidelines.

  • Rebecca will email the patient with their advice and exercises after their appointment.

Consent form - completed by patient at clinic

Personal Details



I confirm that I have not had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or

smell, dry cough, runny nose or sore throat.

Yes                   No  

I confirm that I am not in the clinically extremely vulnerable category and therefore advised to shield at home by the government.

Yes                   No  

I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, I have not been in close contact with anyone with confirmedCOVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Yes                   No  

I understand that coronavirus may not cause symptoms in some people and is currently causing a pandemic which means healthcare services are required to operate differently 

Yes                   No  

I confirm I have been made aware of physiotherapy guidelines that require a telephone/video triage appointment to be conducted before I can attend in person.

Yes                   No  

About my Visit:

I confirm I am aware of the clinic’s requirement for social distancing in the clinic.

Yes                   No  

I confirm I am aware of the clinic’s requirement for hand decontamination in the clinic:

Yes                   No  

I confirm I am aware if the clinic requires me to wear a face-covering whilst inside the clinic[1]:

Yes                   No  

I confirm I have been told about the cleaning of the clinic room before/after my attendance:

Yes                   No  

I confirm I am aware of the clinic’s requirement for contactless payment

Yes                   No  

I understand that my physiotherapist is required to wear PPE as set by Public Health authorities during my appointment and this is not optional for them.

Yes                   No  

About my Clinician:

They have confirmed they have not had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell, dry cough, runny nose or sore throat:

Yes                   No  

They have confirmed that to the best of their knowledge, they have not been in close contact with anyone with confirmed COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Yes                   No  

They have discussed with me the reasons why my clinical need for healthcare cannot be met by a telephone/video consultation.

Yes                   No  

I have had the opportunity to ask all the questions I wish to, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. Use space below to record details:

I agree to attend a face to face appointment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yes                   No  


Signed Patient ………………………………………………………………………..   


OR  [delete as applicable]


Signature of person with parental responsibility / person legally entitled to sign on behalf of a person who lacks capacity





Signed Therapist……………………………………………………………………….


Date: …………………

[1][1] Exemptions to wearing face masks may apply.